

Iraq Infrastructural Project & Reconstruction Contract Office (IIPRCO)

Projects and Programs

Projects and Programs

Around the Iraq and the Middle East, our Engineers are executing projects based on working modules re-engineered by a Joint Engineeringteam to upgrade Civil Engineering standards and accellerated building technologies and sustainable capacity, and toprovide access to renewable energy run construction, particularly for Displaced persons, New Housing Programs, and Accellerated Constructions.


Through New Regional Perimeters, IIPRCO’s Nationwide Initiative, we also provide Low Costing Housing Programs especially with regards to assisting the Iraqi Government to all "19 governorates in Iraq (محافظة ) also known as "provinces" in under-served Provinces to support access to Housing, social and economic development and Accellerated Constructions for the under priviledged.


Currently, we are working on a variety ofHoudsing projects and programmes. Those detailed below are just a small percentage of our overall work, but they highlight some of the many ways in which we are fighting for justice and tackling unmet legal need.

Post Iraq Programs

The National Security Archive’s Iraq Project began in the early 1990s and has worked for more than two decades to secure and curate historically significant documents regarding U.S. relations with Iraq, with a specific emphasis on “Iraqgate” and the 2003 Iraq War.


The Iraq Project first published a 10,000-page document collection in 1994 on the “Iraqgate” scandal –the extensive financial, intelligence, and (at minimum, indirect) military support provided to Saddam Hussein by the Reagan and first Bush administrations, in full knowledge of Iraq’s repressive policies and widespread and illegal use of chemical weapons.


The Iraq Project will publish a second document collection on the 2003 Iraq War in 2017. In addition to these two major document collections, the Iraq project has posted 25 Electronic Briefing Boks to date, which complement 16 separate ones on terrorism.

New Contract Awards 

(1). OPEC member Iraq intends to award new contracts worth $2 billion within a project to build one of the world's largest container terminals in the Southern Faw Peninsula, an official was quoted on Monday as saying.


(2). The General Authority for Ports in Iraq will sign the contracts for infrastructure and construction of more berths in the next few days, the company's director Farhan Al-Fartousi told Iraq's Aliqtisad news network. "The next few days will see the signing of five new contracts with foreign firms worth around $2 in this phase will be completed within 3.5 years," he said, adding that a number of Chinese companies are competing for the contract along with Daewoo of South Korea.


(3). Iraq Infrastructural Project & Reconstruction Contract Office (IIPRCO) is also making sure PPE Bulk supply contracts are awarded to reputable local and foreign contractors, these products will be distributed and chanelled to all the 19 provinces scattered all over Iraq.